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The criteria provided below is accurate as at 12.07.24

Intermediary Status
Customer Type
Secured Arrears
Unsecured Arrears
Maximise Affordability
Age (end of Term)
Property Value
  • Property Value


    90% Max LTX

  • Advance (min)


  • Income

    Minimum income £12,500 from main job 100% of monthly or quarterly bonus/commission accepted for affordability (if consistent)

  • Maximum Age

    70 years old

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    Defaults: Under £350 for comms & utilities do not affect product tier. Although Tandem don’t count CCJs/defaults

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type:
  • Property Type:
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75
  • Property Value:75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • Under 85% LTV: £500,000
    Over 85% LTV: £350,000 (Tandem Zero) £300,000 (Tandem One)
    Max LTV 90% LTV

  • 5 years
  • 35 years
  • Yes, considered. Note, a personal loan as deposit can be considered.
  • Yes, considered Note, a personal loan as deposit can be considered.
  • 6 months

    First time buyers are considered as: - Applicants without a mortgage for more than 36 months.
  • Yes, required.
  • Maximum 85% LTV for houses and flats
    Our definition of a new build is any property that has been built in the last 2 years.
    Our maximum exposure is 10% per new build site.
  • Houses & Flats yes.
    Minimum 51% private ownership required in blocks & subject to valuers comments.
  • No
  • No
  • See plan details. Max status1 in last 12, Max status 2 in moths 13-24
  • Paid direct to lender at the lenders fee scales, found on both the lender website and product guide.
  • 21 years old
  • 2
  • Access to Tandem available via 3mc as your mortgage packager or mortgage club.
  • Latest years’ figures used for self-employed customers, potentially including retained profits for Ltd Co Directors but: -

    Must have been trading for 3 years -
    Evidenced by latest SA302, HMRC & Accts certificate.

    Contractors/CIS/Agency permitted on Tandem One, Two & Three

    When taking rental income into account does the applicant need to have been a landlord for 3 years? Or just the latest SA302?
    - If the use of rental income is being used as additional income, Tandem just need to see 1 years SA302’s/ tax calculations and the HMRC Tax overview statement but if it were the applicant’s sole income, it would refer to our self-employed criteria and they would need to have been trading for 3 years under same company name etc.
  • Property Value

    £75,000 - standard cases

  • Advance (min)


  • Income

    No minimum income required. Bonus/Overtime/Commission • 50% of income used to calculate affordability unless fully guaranteed where we can accept 100% Working family tax credit is considered but must have...

  • Maximum Age

    Max age of 75 at the end of the term. Lending into retirement will be deemed as the earlier of: • The customers anticipated retirement age • Age 70 If...

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    Clear: - Defaults - 1 (satisfied) in 36 months Value < £300 or telecom ignored (even if in last 6 months) Recency: 0 in last 6 months; > 36 months ignored CCJ's: - 0 in 36 months Value < £300 or telecom ignored (even if in last 6 months) Recency:...

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type:
  • Property Type: type_single
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75, max-age-76-80, max-age-81-85, max-age-above-85
  • Property Value:75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £1,000,000 up to 75% LTV
    85% LTV on Clear Range only - NOT available on help to buy.
    95% LTV considered on new build properties - See "Deposit Unlock" product range up to £600,000.

  • 5 years
  • 35 years
  • Yes
  • Yes Below market value transactions are considered up to 5% - please ensure reasoning is checked with Bluestone.
  • 6 months minimum ownership - unless for a probate or bridging scenario

    For Probate - need to make sure that the person who will own the property is the true beneficiary via the will or letter from the solicitors which is preferred as wills are long.
  • Yes
  • Available for help to buy range only AND core range - 85% LTV on houses and 75% LTV on flats
    Max LTV of 75% for new build flats

    Unless, "Deposit Unlock" range which is up to 95% LTV (£600,000 max) - Houses and flats (the flats must be 2 bedrooms or more)

    Builders Deposit
    We can now accept 5% from the builder towards the customer deposit on new builds.
  • Houses - Yes
    Flats - Yes
  • Yes - only when Bluestone are doing the forward purchase - they need the remortgage offer before Bluestone will offer.
  • No The maximum number of unsecured debts that are in arrears at the point of application is 5, including active defaults
  • Clear: - 0 in 13 - 24 months AAA: - 1 in 13 - 24 months AA: - 2 in 13 - 24 months A: - 3 in 13 - 24 months BBB: 4 in 13 - 24 months
  • Valuation fees paid direct to lender
  • 20
  • 4
  • Access to Bluestone Mortgages is to a selective panel of mortgage packagers
  • Minimum 12 months trading required.

    For self-employed applicants, an Accountant's Certificate is NOT accepted as the sole proof of income

    Foster Care Income
    12 month history and evidence of income required.
    Remittance slips or local authority reference used to evidence income
    Latest 12 months income figures will be used to calculate affordability.

    Self Employed Day rate contractors must have the contract in their personal name

    If trading longer than 1 year, average is taken over the last 2 - 3 years.

    Share of Dividends Yes
    Share of Directors remuneration Yes
    Share of directors car allowances Yes
    Share of directors pension contributions Yes
    Share of use of home as office Yes
    Share of private health insurance No
    Share of spouse's income (sole app) No
    Operating profit No
    Retained net profit 100%
    • If income/profits are increasing year on year, the average of the last 2 years net profits will be used.
    • If income/profits are fluctuating, average of the last 3 years should be used or the latest year’s net profit, whichever is the lower.
    • If income/profits are decreasing, the lowest net profit figure should be used for the past 3 years, together with an explanation as to why profits are reducing.

    Rental income
    • Portfolio Landlords (4 or more properties): 100% of Net Rental Income after the portfolio is stressed at 125% of 5.50%
    • Non-Portfolio Landlords: 75% of Net Rental Income
  • Property Value

    £100,000 for core products & FIRST TIME BUYERS £75,000 at 60% LTV for 3mc exclusives - £100,000 for interest only

  • Advance (min)


  • Income

    Minimum Primary Applicant Income – £15,000 PA FIRST TIME BUYERS - Max 80% LTV and £500k Loan Size 0-Status 2yr, 3yr and 5yr fixed rates FTB must have three items...

  • Maximum Age

    85 years at the end of the mortgage term

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    CCJ's & Defaults: Note: must meet unsecured credit, secured lending and CCJ & default criteria to be considered, please refer to product guide. Assessed by number (whether satisfied or not) AND £-value. All CCJ’s and defaults will be ignored if under £300 Ignore if under £300 mail order or Communications....

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type:
  • Property Type:
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75, max-age-76-80, max-age-81-85
  • Property Value:75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £1,000,000 up to max LTV 85% - (85% LTV) UTB -0 - Status only. Including Interest only
    £250,000 if property is unencumbered.

  • 3 years
  • 40 years
  • 60 years remaining at the end of the mortgage term. However, by exception can consider up to 40 years by exception.
  • Yes, no vendor deposits
  • Yes - but if a gift of equity is to be used, then the applicant must have at least 15% deposit based upon the loan amount. So if £100,000 is the total loan amount, the applicant must be able to put in £15,000. The value of the property will be based on FMV minus the gifted deposit amount - the total will act as the LTV - 85% LTV maximum.
  • 12 months mortgage history, 6 months in current – however, refer if slightly under these parameters.
    Applicants will be classed as first-time buyers if there has been no mortgage found on a credit search for 6 years, this includes unencumbered properties.
    Can consider less than 6 months if clients have had 12 months mortgage history - case by case basis
  • Yes, required.
  • Yes.

    Purchases allowed off-plan, subject to re-inspection before completion.
    Max 5% new build incentives, including builders deposit.
    Evidence of an appropriate new build warranty, or certificate.
  • Yes, accepted.
  • No, not considered.
  • Not on all ranges - but do credit check No minimum credit score for First Time Buyers 1 & 2 Status Criteria • 0 Status – No change, no minimum Credit Score • 1&2 Status – New minimum 300 Equifax Navigator Credit Score
  • UTB-0: 0 in 3 months. 0 in 12 months, 0 outstanding. UTB-1: 0 in 3 months. 1 in 12 months. Max 1 outstanding. UTB-2: 0 in 3 months. 2 in 12 months. Max 2 outstanding. If the client doesn’t make a payment on their mortgage or secured loan on the due date, but makes this before the next payment is due then UTB wouldn’t treat this as arrears. Some lenders will report missed payments within 2 weeks of the payment being missed, if you can get a 12 month statement from the lender confirming due date and when it was paid can ignore from an arrears point of view.
  • Valuation fees paid directly to the lender at the lenders valuation fee scale AVM's available to £500k and 75% LTV on remortgages only, not purchases
  • 18 years 25 years for Interest only repayment type.
  • 2
  • Access to United Trust Bank is via mortgage packagers currently, one of which is 3mc.
  • Max 80% LTV for all self-employed applicants - only 0-Status, no other range.

    Sole Traders: 100% of Net Profit. Partnerships/Limited Companies: 100% of all sustainable drawings or dividends in addition to any salary.

    Contractor: -

    Gross Annual Income will now be calculated at the day rate x 5 days x 48 weeks
    A minimum 12m contract history with at least one renewal is required, along with 24m in a similar role. If less than 3m remain on the current contract, evidence of a renewal must be provided and signed by both parties.
    Proof of Income:
    Applicants paid by Employer or via an Umbrella Company: Last 2m payslips, supported by the latest P60 and latest 3m bank statements. Umbrella Company fees/costs will be deducted from Gross income.
    Applicants paid via a pure income servicing Limited Company: Latest Accounts or Accountants Certificate, supported by the latest 3m personal and business bank statements. The company must be 100% owned by the Applicant and trading for a minimum of 12m.

    Retained Profits and Directors Loans are not accepted.

    Pension/Maintenance – 100% of all regular income.

    Working Family Tax Credit, Child Benefit and Child Tax Credit – 100% of all income, providing there is a minimum of £25,000 total earned income across the application.

    Sole trader to limited company: - where the client has only had a limited company for a short time but changed from being a sole trader we can consider with an explanation from the accountant (normally for tax reasons).
  • Property Value

    £120,000 (A small amount of flexibility on this between £100-£120,000)

  • Advance (min)

    £45,000 (A small amount of flexibility can be applied to the amount on referral sometimes)

  • Income

    Affordability Based no minimum Furloughed Employees – We will use the 80% or 100% if topped up by employer subject to an employment reference confirming that they will be returning...

  • Maximum Age

    Max Age AT Application - C & I 90 and Interest Only 89. (5 Year Term max at these ages)

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    We are not an adverse lender but can consider 1 CCJ satisfied under £500 in the last 3 years. CCJ's are generally ignored if over 3 years old AND satisfied over 3 years ago Defaults must have been satisfied 3 years+ ago. 1 x Communication issue can be referred provided...

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type:
  • Property Type:
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75, max-age-76-80, max-age-81-85, max-age-above-85
  • Property Value:100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • 75% up to £500,000
    60% up to £500,000 property value and 50% up to £750,000 (£1million inside Greater London Area) to allow for Desktop valuation.

    Max Loan at 60% £1,500,000
    Max Loan at 50% £3,000,000
    Max Loan at 40% £3,000,000 plus (no maximum but subject to underwriting)
    Capital Raise available to max LTV

  • 5 years
  • 40 years
  • Yes, considered
  • Max Age AT Application - C & I 90 and Interest Only 89. (5 Year Term max at these ages)
  • 6 months as a rule however if bought with bridging finance these can be considered sooner subject to a suitable explanation (e.g. Unable to mortgage at the time of purchase).
  • Yes, required
  • Houses only max 75% LTV. May consdier Apartments inside M25 up to max 50%
    Any incentives to be disclosed and will be discounted from price
  • Houses and Apartments: - Accepted up to product maximum LTV, subject to the following conditions:
    Standard Construction Only
    No Deck Access
    Valuers Comments
  • When lending on new Residential whilst retaining existing property: -

    Maximum 80% LTV, where the existing property is to be let and considered to be self-supporting.

    Applications can be considered for the purchase of owner-occupied property, up to a maximum 80% LTV, where an existing owner-occupied residential property will not be sold and instead be let.

    The deposit must be from the applicant's own resources, including any additional borrowing raised from the existing mortgage, and the letting must be on a formal recognised tenancy

    It is expected that the client has requested Consent to Let from their current Lender
  • No
  • 1 in last 12 months but 0 in last 6 months, 2 in last 36 months Mortgage Payment holidays – for BTL need to make the next payment before completion
  • Paid direct to the lender at the lender fee scales. Free Valuations on Residential Purchase and Remortgage cases up to £500,000 (Discount of £360 above that value)
  • 18 years old
  • 4 and can use all 4 incomes (Sometimes we will only use 3 incomes and treat 4th applicant as non-dependant as this can improve affordability especially if applicant 4 has a modest income amount)
  • Access to Family BS is available via selected packagers networks.
  • All self employed cases are assessed on individual merit, however, below are examples which would be considered normally: -

    1 years figures/ SA302's/ Accounts is accepted - however, they must meet the below: -
    2 years is normally required, although an applicant with 1 year’s accounting information can be considered if the applicant:

    Where possible we work off the latest years figures but reserve the right to use a 2 year average

    - Has a track record in the trade; or is
    - Able to demonstrate guaranteed income within the next accounting period; or
    Moved purely from ST to Ltd Co same sole Director

    Contract Workers - Min Contract £75,000 - Can then work of Contract income 46 weeks x Day rate
  • Property Value


  • Advance (min)


    Mortgage lending exposure in any one property development is capped, where practicable, to 25%. Where this is residential Buy to Let or Shared Ownership, a maximum of 25% exposure is allowable in blocks of 4 flats or more. For blocks of 3 flats or less, we will only lend on one property.

  • Income

    No minimum income but will be affordability based on "ONS" statistics - Unacceptable Income: We will not take into account any income arising from Incapacity benefits, housing benefit, income support...

  • Maximum Age

    Up to maximum stated retirement age and no further. Lending into retirement must be at least 10 years away at the point of application.

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    Applicant(s) must satisfy the following criteria: Mortgage applications up to 75% LTV: • No missed payments in last 12 months on any (previous or current) mortgage, other secured loan or rent, and no arrears in months 13-24 (counting backwards from the present date), where the cumulative amount overdue at any...

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type:
  • Property Type: type_single
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75, max-age-76-80, max-age-81-85, max-age-above-85
  • Property Value:75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £350,000 up to 95% LTV - no longer has postcode restrictions
    £1,000,000 to 90% LTV for Capital and Interest
    £1,500,000 to 85% for Capital and interest
    £2,500,000 to 80% LTV for Large loan product only.

    More than £1mill is only considered by referral only.
    Holiday Homes or Second Homes up to 80% LTV

    LTVs up to 85% for both the end value and land value
    Larger maximum loan size for our Eco-Self build products from £500,000 to £1,000,000

  • 5
  • 40
  • Yes - unless for 90% LTV - must be own savings
  • Yes - unless for 90% LTV - must be own savings
  • 6 months, exceptions by referral. Exit from Bridge loan considered.
  • Yes (unless Ex-Pat)
  • 75% for houses, 75% for flats
  • We cannot accept a local authority or av ex-local authority flat and maisonette unless located within the M25, a maximum LTV of 65%, minimum £200k valuation and satisfactory valuer comments regarding demand and re-saleability.

    Houses - Yes

    Mortgage lending exposure in any one property development is capped, where practicable, to 25%. Where this is residential Buy to Let or Shared Ownership, a maximum of 25% exposure is allowable in blocks of 4 flats or more. For blocks of 3 flats or less, we will only lend on one property.
  • Credit check, do not credit score.
  • See defaults and CCJ's - explanations for Different LTV's
  • Valuation fees paid direct to lender at the lender fee scale.
  • 18 years
  • 4
  • Access to Dudley BS is available via selected packagers only.
  • 1 years accounts accepted at 75% LTV.
    2 & 3 years accounts required for all other products, exceptions by referral

    Share of Dividends Yes
    Share of Directors remuneration Yes
    Share of directors car allowances - As long as evidenced
    Share of directors pension contributions - As long as evidenced
    Share of use of home as office - As long as evidenced
    Share of private health insurance - As long as evidenced
    Share of spouse's income (sole app) -As long as evidenced
    Operating profit No
    Retained net profit Not usually - at underwriters discretion
    **As retained profit is looked at in exceptional circumstances then discuss the case and submit accounts before the application
  • Property Value

    £150,000 - London (excludes rest of the UK)
    £75,000 - UK (excludes London)

  • Advance (min)


  • Income

    Employed: Last 3 months consecutive payslips (at the time of the application) Last 8 weeks consecutive payslips if paid weekly (at the time of the application) OR employers reference (if...

  • Maximum Age

    The maximum age limit at the end of the term of the loan is 75 years old. The maximum age at the application stage for applicants looking to borrow beyond...

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    Disregard communication and utility arrears up to £100 Resi 0 Registered Defaults: - 48 months+ Satisfied CCJs: - 48 months+ Resi 1 Registered Defaults: - 36 months + Satisfied CCJs: - 36 months+ Resi 2 Registered Defaults: - 24 months + Satisfied CCJs: - (0) 0 - 24 months (1)...

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type:
  • Property Type:
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75
  • Property Value:75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £750,000 up to 90% LTV (Check product range) - Stretched LTIs up to 6.49x, which backs them to borrow enough for their first home
    £1,000,000 up to 85% and 80% LTV.
    £1,500,000 up to 75% LTV

    LI0 - 4
    LI Key Worker 0 - 2
    LI Qualified Professional 0 - 1

  • 5 years
  • 40 years
  • Leasehold flats, and maisonettes with not less than 65 years remaining on the lease after the term of mortgage. Leasehold houses with not less than 65 years remaining on the lease after the term of mortgage.
  • Yes, 10% of own funds required. Gifted deposits can only be accepted from an immediate relative, full details of whom must be disclosed.
  • Considered - check with lender in first instance.
  • 6 months minimum required, unless: -

    If the property has been purchased within the last 6 months and if works have been carried out to increase the value when remortgaged at a value above the purchase price please provide a TR1 and Schedule of works on submission of the application.
  • Yes, required.

    Must be a UK resident and have been resident in the UK for the last 3 years, or have a 3 year UK residential history and a permanent right to reside in the UK.
  • A property is considered a new build if the applicant is the first occupant of the property.

    LendInvest will accept subject to being suitable security. LTV for new build properties is restricted to 75%.
  • Ex-Local Authority/Ex-MOD flats and maisonettes considered.
  • No
  • No, soft search at DIP, Full search at application.
  • Resi 0 48 months+ Resi 1 36 months + Resi 2 (0) 0 - 24 months (1) 24 - 36 months Resi 3 (0) 0 - 12 months (2) 12 - 24 months Resi 4 (0) 0 - 6 months (3) 6 - 24 months
  • Paid directly to lender at the lender fee scales.
  • 21 years old
  • 2
  • Via Strategic Partners only as your packager, of which 3mc are one.
  • 2 years self employed required - 2 years companies accounts also required.

    Please note: -

    2 years company accounts (as provided by a qualified accountant) where available
    OR 1 years company accounts where they have been filed in the last 9 months
    OR if the applicant doesn’t maintain accounts, SA302’s (or equivalent tax calculation from HMRC self-service system) and tax year overviews
  • Property Value

    £50,000 or £150,000 in London postcode districts

  • Advance (min)


  • Income

    Min income £15000 for main applicant's primary income. Employed Primary income can be made from basic salary + 50% Commission/bonus/OT (key 100% into DIP). Monthly take average of last 3...

  • Maximum Age

    70 years or 75 upon referral at DIP stage. The retirement age must be keyed as 75 and a note uploaded at DIP stage into the case confirming that the...

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    Prime: Tiers 1 and 2 Defaults 0 in 24 months CCJs 0 in 24 months Almost Prime: Tiers 3 and 4 2 in 24 months (max £1,500 in 12 months, unlimited thereafter) 1 in 24 months (max £1,000 in 12 months, or £2,500 in 24 months)

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type: customer_individual, customer_ltd_spv
  • Property Type: type_single, type_hmo_upto_6, type_hmo_upto_8
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75
  • Property Value:0-74999, 75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £1,000,000 70% LTV
    £750,000 80% LTV
    £500,000 85% LTV

  • 5 years
  • 35 years
  • No
  • Yes - they require a letter stating no repayment will be made. Precise will accept all gifted deposits monies from immediate family members, this can include step family, aunts and uncles - acceptable for FTB and subsequent buyers. Money must be a transparent gift that has originated in the EU and can be easily traced back to the originating source. Where a proportion (max 50% originates from outside the area and is from a non conflict area, Precise may consider on a case by case basis)
  • No - Where the client is purchasing at a sale of undervalue, can consider as long as they are contributing a minimum of 15% in addition to the discounted purchase price. This additional deposit cannot come from the vendor. They will require a gifted deposit letter to show this in all instances.
  • 12 months minimum ownership before remortgage.
    No Min ownership applies to properties that have been inherited and probate has been granted (Probate letter will be required on application) and also when exiting a Precise Bridge. In these instance key the DIP as per Precise's min ownership and upload a word document with full notes into the case
    FTB definition is someone who has not owned a property for 18 months.
  • Yes - Non EEA Nationals must have been resident in the UK for the last 3 years and have permanent rights to reside in the UK.

    EU Citizens

    Applications submitted from 1st January 2021 where the applicant is an EU citizen they must provide a valid permanent residence document or evidence that settled or pre-settled status has been granted under the EU Settlement Scheme. This can be in the form of a letter from the Home Office confirming their settlement status or a Residence Card.

    Settled status is awarded to EU citizens that can evidence a minimum of 5 years’ continuous residence in the UK, whereas pre-settled status applies to those who have not resided in the UK for 5 years. Those awarded pre-settled statuses can apply for settled status once the 5-year residence requirement can be met.
  • Max LTV New build houses and flats (including 5% builder incentive) + lender fees
    Flats in blocks up to 20 storeys, with a commercial ground floor accepted.

    Can consider 30 SQM Studio flats.

    85% LTV available plus up to a 5% builders incentive on residential lending

    S106 obligations considered

    Mortgage offers valid for six months from the date of issue, if required we may extend for a further three months

    Properties that have any MMC components can be considered providing the property was
    constructed by one of the following companies:
    Barratt Developments
    Bloor Homes
    Bovis Homes
    Crest Nicholson
    Galliford Try
    Taylor Wimpey
    If the property was constructed within the last 10 years it will need to benefit from one of the
    following warranties:
    Advantage HCI
    Aedis Warranties Ltd
    Building Life Plans
    Checkmate (Castle 10)
    CRL Management Ltd
    International Construction Warranties (ICW)
    N.H.B.C. Guarantee
    Premier Guarantee Scheme
    Professional Consultants Certificate
    Zurich Municipal “New build”
  • Houses - up to maximum product LTV

    No Flats/Maisonettes. Exceptions can be considered where the following apply; Block must have majority in private ownership, no balcony access in the block, good curb appeal and of standard construction.
  • In all circumstances for LTBs Precise will require a simultaneous completion OR the client will need to have moved out and rented the existing property for min 3 months. The client must be on the voters roll at their new residence and proof of 3 mths rent via bank statements and AST will be required. Max 80% LTV for either refinance on to a BTL or onward purchase. Precise can consider both or either transactions. Where only the onward purchase then 'consent to let' from the previous lender will be required
  • Yes - Experian only
  • Missed Mtg/Secured Arrears - Prime: Tiers 1 and 2 0 in 12 months, 1 in 36 months (worst status) Almost Prime: Tier 3 and 4 1 in 12 months, 3 in 36 months (worst status)
  • Valuation fees paid direct to lender at the lender fee scales
  • 21 years
  • Will lend in England, Scotland (Postcode permitting) and Wales
  • 2
  • Access to Precise Mortgages is through a selective panel of packagers, one of which is 3mc
  • Soft foot print at AIP
  • Can consider up to ONE years figures regardless of how long trading up to 85% + lenders fee. Over 75% is subject to score so key one year, it will refer (check back in 2 hrs) if decline, then reduce to 75% LTV or copy DIP and add 2 years figures (then can consider up to 5 x income). Precise will work off the average or last year whichever is the HIGHER.
    Proof of Self employment:
    HMRC Tax Calc + Overview OR SA302 + Overview OR Accounts

    For Directors add together for total income 100% of: Salary + Dividends + Co. Car allowance + pension Contribution = Total that you key into the DIP

    Changes in trading style ie Sole to LTD Co treated as continuous self employment

    NOTE: underwriters reserve the right to ask for further information where necessary

    Share of Dividends 100%
    Share of Directors remuneration 100%
    Share of directors car allowances 100%
    Share of directors pension contributions - Can add the director's pension contributions to calculate gross income
    Share of use of home as office - Can add a proportion of this to calculate gross income based on the directors shareholding
    Share of private health insurance - Can add the directors contributions to calculate their gross income
    Share of spouse's income (sole app) - Can add a proportion of this to calculate gross income based on the directors shareholding
    Operating profit No
    Retained net profit No
  • Property Value


  • Advance (min)


  • Income

    Min income must be overall £18,000 per application. Employed Primary income can be made from basic salary. All other income will be looked at but not used for the affordability...

  • Maximum Age

    75 years

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    (Unsecured missed payments: - ignore 1 individual utility, communication, or mail order account default up to and including £200.00 (Applicable to Pepper 36 & 36 Light products only). CCJs • Don't need to be satisfied • Can be registered as recently as 12 months ago Defaults • Don't need to...

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type:
  • Property Type: type_single
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75
  • Property Value:0-74999, 75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £1,000,000 up to 75%
    £750,000 up to 80%
    £750,000 up to 85%

  • 5
  • 35
  • Gifted deposits are acceptable from the following close relatives of the applicant(s): Parent/Step‐Parent/Parent‐in‐Law. Sibling. Child/Step‐Child/Son‐in‐Law/Daughter‐in‐Law. Aunt/Uncle. Grandparent/ Grandchild.
  • Yes, but client must have 15% of their own funds and this cannot be gifted from another family member. Note: "Equity deposit" 100% Concessionary Purchase accepted: customers to benefit from purchasing a property below market value, which they may typically purchase from family or their landlord. Borrow up to 100% Loan to Purchase Price, with no deposit required, up to a maximum LTV of 75% of full market value.
  • 6 months minimum ownership before remortgage
  • Applicants who are non‐UK citizens must have been permanently resident in the UK for the past three years and must have indefinite leave to remain in the UK.
    UK citizens who are returning to the UK permanently are acceptable.
    Applications from Foreign Nationals are acceptable, however all applicants must:
    Live and work in the UK (UK citizens working abroad are acceptable where their main residence is in the UK and they are a UK taxpayer).
    Be UK taxpayers (where income is being used in support of the application).
    Have resided in the UK for the last 3 years.
    Applicants residing in the Isle of Man and Channel Islands are not acceptable.
    Non‐UK citizens (UK & European Union (EU) Nationals and Non‐European Union Nationals) must provide evidence of a minimum employment history of 3 continuous years in the UK(where income is used in support of the application).
    Non‐European Union citizens must provide evidence confirming indefinite rights to remain in
    the UK and have a statutory right to work in the UK.
  • Houses - Yes
    Flats - No
    Pepper will consider Wimpey No Fine and Lang Easy Form even though no they are non-standard construction. This is on a case by case basis and is referred to an internal property team within Pepper.
  • Houses considered
    Houses: Private and ex Local Authority or social housing
    Flats & Maisonettes: Privately only - not council or housing

    Flats/Maisonettes - not accepted, including the below:
    Flats in Local Authority or ex Local Authority owned blocks
    New build flats/maisonettes
    Flats with a gross external floor area less than 35m2
    Studio flats
    Freehold flats
    Balcony access
  • No, only on the forwarding residential purchase.
  • Pepper Money credit check, not credit score
  • Product range dependent: - Minimum (No arrears balance in last 6 months) - Depending on when arrears occurred will determine product range. I.e. missed payments outside of 48 months, then Pepper 48, 36, etc.
  • Valuation fees paid direct to lender
  • 21 years old
  • 2 applicants
  • Access to Pepper Money is available via selected packagers & distributors
  • Self Employed (Sole Trader/Partnerships)
    • 1 Years final accounts plus 3 months personal and business
    bank accounts statements showing applicants share of net profit

    • SA302s can be provided as long as they are supported by 3 months personal and business bank statements

    * Add backs’ accepted for controlling Limited Co Directors, including pension contributions, car allowance, and use of home office, to boost affordability

    Can also use the net profit within our affordability calculation, where earned during the most recent tax year for majority shareholders in a business.

    Pepper will use the net profit in line with the customers share of the business. So, for example, a customer having 60% share of the business, they would allow 60% of the net profit. Where joint applicants have a shareholding of 100%, Pepper will allow 100% of the net profit to be taken.
    Share of Dividends Yes - minimum 25% shareholder
    Share of Directors remuneration Yes - named shareholder
    Share of directors car allowances Yes
    Share of directors pension contributions Yes
    Share of use of home as office Yes
    Share of private health insurance Yes
    Share of spouse's income (sole app) No
    Operating profit No
    Retained net profit No

    Finalised accounts will be required where additional remuneration is to be added back.
  • Property Value

    £75,000 minimum (£125.000 if Shared ownership)
    Can consider day 1 remortgages

  • Advance (min)


  • Income

    No minimum income. Affordability calculator used for income. 100% of basic salary 50% of regular overtime, bonus or commission. 100% of maintenance by court order(child under 13). 3 years self-employed...

  • Maximum Age

    85 years

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    All CCJs & defaults must be paid prior to the application or must meet the ignore CCJ/default criteria Up to 2 defaults and 1 CCJ considered in last 2 years (not counted where registered over 24 months) Ignore CCJ/default criteria: 12 months prior to application OR registered >24 months whether...

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type: customer_individual, customer_ltd_spv, customer_expatriate
  • Property Type: type_single, type_multi_upto_5, type_hmo_upto_6, type_hmo_upto_8
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75, max-age-76-80, max-age-81-85
  • Property Value:75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £750,000 up to 90%
    £3,000,000 up to 85%
    £3,000,000 up to 75% LTV

  • 5 years
  • 35 years
  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • 6 months minimum ownership before remortgage considered.

    Day 1 remortgage accepted on the following basis: -

    • Lending can be based on current property value – if verified works have been carried out and evidence provided. If not, the loan will be assessed at the initial purchase price
    • Maximum 75% LTV
    • Standard pricing to apply
    • Customer(s) to be on the voters roll for residential applications

    Kent Reliance (One Savings Bank) will: -

    • Undertake a Land Registry Search to confirm the applicant(s) owns the property
    • Where this is not available, request confirmation of the Land Registry submission confirming the purchase, date and price via the acting solicitor

    Not available for New-build purchases – defined as properties that are less than two years old (from the date of practical construction) which have not been lived in.
  • Only accept permanent rights to reside. If EEA national, will need to have been in the UK for a minimum of 36 months before able to apply for mortgage
    Tier 2 Visa - on a case by case basis, Tier 2 Visa’s can be considered on case merit. Subject to product loading.

    EU Citizens

    Applications submitted from 1st January 2021 where the applicant is an EU citizen they must provide a valid permanent residence document or evidence that settled or pre-settled status has been granted under the EU Settlement Scheme. This can be in the form of a letter from the Home Office confirming their settlement status or a Residence Card.

    Settled status is awarded to EU citizens that can evidence a minimum of 5 years’ continuous residence in the UK, whereas pre-settled status applies to those who have not resided in the UK for 5 years. Those awarded pre-settled statuses can apply for settled status once the 5-year residence requirement can be met.
  • New Build houses up to 75% LTV and flats accepted to 75% LTV.
  • Houses - Accepted to 75% LTV.
    Flats - Considered, but on a case by case basis - 75% max LTV
  • No
  • Missed mortgage payments - 0 in last 6 months and currently up to date
  • Paid direct to lender at the lender fee scales
  • 18 years
  • Will lend in England and Wales.
  • 4
  • Access to Kent Reliance For the Near Prime Residential Range is on a packaged basis only
  • Soft foot print, hard foot print upon full application
  • All self employed applicants will be reviewed - upon DIP submission.

    Self employed applicants with 1 years accepted (up to 75% LTV)

    Income to be based on the finalised accounts prepared by the accountant acting for the business who must be suitably qualified;

    Projection for second year income must be provided by the accountant; second year projection can be used if no more than 30% growth.

    3 months personal and business bank statements must be provided;

    Self-assessment returns or SA302 are NOT accepted as proof of income;

    Income will be verified by means of an accountant’s reference.

    Only accept Salary and dividends not net profit

    Share of Dividends Yes
    Share of Directors remuneration Yes
    Share of directors car allowances Yes
    Share of directors pension contributions Refer to BDM / u/w
    Share of use of home as office No
    Share of private health insurance No
    Share of spouse's income (sole app) No - but it could be used as an argument to do a case - refer to BDM
    Operating profit Potentially - refer to BDM
    Retained net profit Yes - if figures are increasing can look at latest years

    **Can consider looking at net profit plus salary if 100% owner of business
  • Property Value


  • Advance (min)


  • Income

    £10,000 pa for residential. 100% of basic salary, shift allowance, car allowance and London weighting. 50% of guaranteed/ regular overtime/ bonus/ commission and profit related pay. FTB accepted. 1 Years...

  • Maximum Age

    75 or their declared retirement age, whichever is lower, for capital repayment mortgages.

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    Level 1 - CCJ's - if 0 in last 36 months then CCJ's do not need to be satisfied if none are recorded in this time. Over 36 months, needs to be satisfied for 36 months if total combined value is over £500. Defaults - 0 in last 12 -...

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type:
  • Property Type: type_single, type_multi_upto_5, type_multi_over_5
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75
  • Property Value:0-74999, 75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £500,000 to 85%-95% LTV (Owner Occupied only)

    £1,000,000 to 80% LTV

    £1,000,000 to 75% LTV

    Maximum 75% LTV for Interest Only (refer to product guide for full details)
    Capital raising up to product maximum LTV accepted.

    5.5 LTI ratio: for individuals or joint applicants with a total allowable income of at least £50,000

    Note the following: - If a property is outside the M25 then max loan is up to £750,000 regardless of LTV.

    Inside the M25 up to £1m

  • 10 years
  • 40 years
  • Yes Aunt/uncle, foster parent or legal guardian now also accepted.
  • Yes, but 5% has to come from the applicant(s)
  • Remortgages within the first six months of the original purchase date are not normally acceptable. Remortgage from bridging - Remortgaging out of bridging finance will be subject to the length of ownership. Less than 6 months: restricted to the amount required to repay existing facility plus 100% of documented improvement cost, subject to ownership period of at least 1 month. Greater than 6 months: capital raising allowed over and above the sum required to redeem the bridging loan, based on any enhanced value of the property.
    Owner-occupied, max LTV is 85%
  • Yes
  • Houses and flats accepted
  • Houses: - Accepted up to product maximum LTV, subject to the following conditions:
    No outstanding pre-emption requirement to repay a proportion of the discount
    Valuer indicating that there is evidence of a meaningful level of private ownership within the estate
    The property being of standard construction
    Flats: -
    Minimum property value of £100,000 (£200,000 in Greater London)
    10 stories in London/South East & 6 stories for everywhere else. (ie 9 above ground floor & 5 above ground floor).
    Secure communal access with no balcony access arrangements
  • No
  • Level 1 - 0 in last 3 months 1 in last 12 months (max 2 in last 24) 1 Months evidence of mortgage payments holiday required. Level 2 - Mortgage or secured loan arrears – 0 in last 18 months Level 3 - Mortgage or secured loan arrears – 0 in last 6 months
  • Paid direct to lender at the lender fee scales.
  • 21 year old
  • 2
  • Access to Aldermore Mortgages is direct to lender with 3mc selected as your payment route
  • 1 years figures/ SA302's/ Accounts is accepted - however, they must meet the below: -
    2 years is normally required, although an applicant with 1 year’s accounting information can be considered if the applicant:

    - Has no history of payment arrears, defaults, CCJs or other adverse information in the last 3 years on personal and business
    credit search; and

    - Has a track record in the trade; or is
    - Able to demonstrate guaranteed income within the next accounting period; or
    - The business is an ongoing concern and sustainable; or is
    - Able to provide management accounts for at least the first 6 months of the current financial year
    - If appropriate, VAT returns for the two previous quarters are to be supplied
    - Personal and business bank statements for at least the previous 3 months
    - Income will be based on the profit or salary/dividends for the first year of trading
    - Will consider salary and % of net profit for the most recent year. In summary they will use the best option, so salary and dividends or net profit adding back in salary for limited company
  • Property Value

    £62,500 (for products assumes max 80% LTV).
    £120,000 London & South East
    £120,000 for HMO
    £150,000 for properties above commercial premises

  • Advance (min)

    £25,000 - on smaller loan range
    £75,000 on other ranges

  • Income

    £15,000 for applicant 1. No min income for applicant 2 Earned income and only 25% of income can be benefits. 100% basic / pension / Car allowance / 100% -...

  • Maximum Age

    80 years (at the end of the term) as long as the applicant’s retirement income supports the lending requested

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    RL0 0 in 36 months – on ALL CCJ’s/Defaults/Unsecured/Secured RL1 0 in 36 months RL2 - 1 in 36 months (0 in 6) CCJ's & Defaults Ignore CCJ

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary
  • Customer Type:
  • Property Type:
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75, max-age-76-80
  • Property Value:0-74999, 75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £1,250,000 up to 75% on Large Loan range
    £1,000,000 up to a maximum 75% LTV (Above on referral)
    £750,000 up to a maximum 80% LTV
    £600,000 up to 85% LTV
    £600,000 up to 90% LTV

    95% LTV on Shared ownership range.

    The maximum loan on a new build property with a builder’s deposit/incentive that is not being deducted from the purchase price is £600,000.

  • 5 years
  • 40 years
  • Yes with letter confirming the amount and it is a gift not a loan
  • • Gifted equity from parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles accepted (including step and adopted relationships)* • Max 75% LTV not avail on RL7 assessed on property valuations.
  • 6 months
  • Yes -

    UK and EEA nationals: -

    Full 3 years residential history required.

    Non-EEA nationals (considered on a case by case basis)

    Must be resident in the UK for the last 3 years and have the permanent right to reside.

    Diplomatic immunity is not allowed.

    Non UK Nationals For all non UK nationals a certified copy of a passport is required.
  • Yes - up to 85% LTV - Up to 5% builder deposit acceptable.
    Contract of sale required 5% builder incentive acceptable.
    Contract of sale required.
    This includes any deposit element
    The maximum loan on a new build property with a builder’s deposit/incentive that is not being deducted from the purchase price is £600,000.
    Offers valid for 6 months, subject to valuation/reinspection
  • Ex local authority houses are acceptable within normal criteria up to 75% LTV except where the majority of houses remain in local authority ownership (as confirmed by the valuer) - 85% by exception only

    Ex-Local Authority - Flats (England and Wales)

    Will consider lending on Ex-Local Authority properties in England and Wales, subject to the following criteria:

    • Minimum valuation of £70,000 - outside of London and the South East.
    • Minimum valuation of £150,000 - in London and the South East.
    • Maximum 75% LTV
    • Traditional construction only (as opposed to core criteria where non-traditional properties are allowed).
    • Maximum 5 floors in block, except in London and the South East, where the maximum allowed is 10.

    Ex-Local Authority Flats (Scotland)

    Will consider lending on Ex-Local Authority properties in Scotland, subject to the following criteria:

    • Minimum valuation of £70,000
    • Maximum 75% LTV
    • Traditional Construction only (as opposed to Core Criteria where non-traditional properties are allowed).
    • Maximum 5 floors in block.
  • No, including RL0 But do have a minimum credit score which is very low. Credit score will not be used to determine product rate, with the exception of 90% LTV where a minimum credit score of 450 is required for RL0 and 375 for RL1.
  • RL0 - 0 in 36 months RL1 - 0 in 24 months RL2 - 1 in 24 months and 0 in last 12 RL3 - 2 in 24 months (0 in last 12) RL4 – 3 in 24 months (0 in last 12) RL5 - 4 in 24 months, 0 in last 12 months. Secured arrears will be assessed on missed payments No missed payments in last 12 months on secured loans.
  • Valuation fees paid direct to lender and a processing fee of £95 at application to 3mc
  • 21 years
  • 2
  • Access to The Mortgage Lender is through a selective panel of packagers, one of which is 3mc
  • TML also consider applicants with just three months of contracting (with 12 months previous employment in a similar role)

    Trading 12-24 months: -
    Maximum 85% LTV
    Most recent year's evidence required

    Trading >24 months
    Maximum 85% LTV
    Most recent 2 years' evidence required

    Minimum trading time 12 months.
    Latest 3 month's business bank statements and 1-month personal bank statement. Additional statements may be required.

    Evidenced using:
    Most recent year's certified accounts OR
    Tax Calculation with corresponding Tax Year Overviews OR

    TML WILL NOT accept an accountant's certificate/reference.

    If certified accounts are provided with these must be completed and returned from a qualified accountant with Acceptable accountant qualifications: ACA/FCA, ACCA/FCCA, ACCIMA/
    FCIMA, CIPFA, ACMA. Accountant must hold a current practising certificate.

    Contractors: -
    Income calculation of up to a maximum of weekly rate x 48.
    Existing contractors: Must have been contracting for a minimum of 12 months.

    TML will only accept applications at present from existing contractors, not new contractors.

    Current contract must be for a minimum of 6 months. Payslips and/or invoices supporting the contract and bank statements are required.

    For any contract with a term less than 3 months remaining, confirmation to be provided from the applicants’ employer that their contract will be renewed and TML is satisfied with the applicants contracting history, if requested.

    Renewal of contracts: Where the current contract length is less than 6 months and there is a history of renewal covering a 6 month period, with the same company, then this can be considered on a case by case basis. Contractors do not qualify for RL7 and RL8 products.
  • Property Value

    £70,000 for all property types
    Ex Local authority flats/maisonettes (80% LTV)
    £80,000 outside Greater London, £200,000 within.

    Scotland properties - £70,000 - however, please note, minimum loan is £50,000 and this includes properties with cladding.

  • Advance (min)


    Up to 6 x loan to income ratio

  • Income

    £15,000 for applicant 1, not joint. 5.5x income for Key Worker Range Available to those employed in essential public sector roles: Armed Forces Personnel (Army, Navy, RAF), Firefighters and Police...

  • Maximum Age

    Maximum retirement age for any applicant is 80 years. Plausibility for working to loan maturity should be evidenced in all cases. Vida as an interim measure, will not lend if...

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    Vida 48, Registered CCJs: 0 in 72 months / Registered Defaults: 0 in 48 months. No unsatisfied CCJ's (unsecured arrears last 6 months - 0)/ Vida 36, Registered CCJs: 0 in 36 months / Registered Defaults: 0 in 36 months. No unsatisfied CCJ's (unsecured arrears last 6 months - 1)/...

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type: customer_individual, customer_ltd_spv, customer_ltd_trading, customer_expatriate
  • Property Type: type_single, type_multi_upto_5, type_multi_over_5, type_hmo_upto_6, type_hmo_upto_8
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75, max-age-76-80, max-age-81-85
  • Property Value:0-74999, 75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £1,000,000 up to 85% LTV up to Vida 6

    £750,000 up to 80% LTV (Max LTV in Scotland)

    £2,000,000 to 75% LTV

    £2,000,000 up to 70% LTV

    Large loan range £500,000 to £2,000,000

    100% debt consolidation is considered up to a maximum of 85% LTV

    Help to buy limits: - £600k England / London, £300k Wales, £200k Scotland

  • 5 years
  • 45 years
  • C&I loans minimum of 40 years lease remaining. I/O 70 years remaining
  • No
  • Accepted from close relatives: - Parent, Child, Grandparent, Spouse/ Partner, Sibling, Aunt/ Uncles Cousins, Niece/ Nephew, Step relatives, Foster Parent or Legal Guardian Overseas Deposit - Deposits from an overseas account can be considered on a case by case basis.
  • Considered when the property is being purchased from a close relative only: - Parent, Child, Grandparent, Spouse/ Partner, Sibling, Aunt/ Uncles Cousins, Niece/ Nephew, Step relatives, Foster Parent or Legal Guardian - 5% required by the applicants Overseas Deposit - Deposits from an overseas account can be considered on a case by case basis. Builder deposit/incentive - Acceptable up to 5% of the purchase price on new build properties Purchase at Undervalue - Acceptable where purchasing from a close relative, or a long term tenant buying from their landlord
  • 6 months -If less than 6 months, will allow remortgaging from bridging finance provided by other lenders including the roll up of interest and lender fees. Capital raising is not accepted
  • All applicants must provide 3 years address history. The latest year must show continuous residency in the UK.

    However, Only 1-years’ UK residency required before application.

    If married at least one applicant must have permanent rights to reside or indefinite leave to remain, both would need to be applicants on the mortgage but affordability must fit on only the applicant with permanent rights to reside or indefinite leave to remain.

    All Non EEA Nationals must be resident in the UK for the last 2 years and have permanent right to reside in the UK.

    Extended list of acceptable visas

    Foreign Nationals will need to provide evidence of their right to reside in the UK. Those with a permanent right to reside, EU/EEA/Swiss with settled status or indefinite leave to remain can borrow up to scheme limits.
    Where residency status is evidenced by one of the following, borrowing is available up to 75% LTV with at least 5% of the deposit coming from either savings or inheritance:

    EU/EEA/Swiss and Foreign Nationals

    EU/EEA/Swiss with pre-settled status
    Family visa
    Tier 1 (Entrepreneur Visa only)
    Tier 2 (Skilled Worker)
    UK Ancestry Visa
    British National (Overseas) Visa
    Senior or Specialist Worker Visa
    Health and Care Worker Visa
  • New build - Defined as one that has never been occupied
    Offer validity 6 months. Extensions of up to 6 months can be considered Builder deposit/incentive - Acceptable up to 5% of the purchase price
    Building Warranty - A warranty should be in place from a suitable provider.

    Offers are valid for 6 months which can be extended for up to a further 6 months on the same product subject to credit search, affordability and re-valuation (£96). Monies will be released following provision of a completion certificate.
  • Houses are considered up to scheme and LTV limits.
    Flats and maisonettes considered up to 80% LTV with minimum property value of £80,000 (£200,00 in Greater London).
  • Customer should achieve a low cut off score to be considered for the range. Vida then select a tier based on exact credit profile, not score, for transparency.
  • Vida 48, 0 missed mortgage/secured loan payments in the last 12 months, maximum worst status, 0 in the last 36 months. Vida 36, 0 missed mortgage/secured loan payments in the last 36 months, maximum worst status, 3 in the last 24 months. Maximum missed payments combined value - £500 Vida 24 0 missed mortgage/secured loan payments in the last 12 months, maximum worst status, 3 in the last 24 months. Maximum missed payments combined value - £500 Vida 12, 0 missed mortgage/secured loan payments in the last 12 months, maximum worst status, 3 in the last 24 months. Maximum missed payments combined value - £500 Vida 6, 0 missed mortgage/secured loan payments in the last 6 months, maximum worst status, 3 in the last 24 months. Maximum missed payments combined value - £500
  • Paid direct to lender and related to lender fee scales
  • 21 years Above 85% LTV, applicants need to be at least 25 with a minimum property valuation of £100,000.
  • Will lend in England and Wales
  • 4 applicants (all 4 incomes considered)
  • Access to Vida Homeloans is through a selective panel of packagers, one of which is 3mc
  • Soft foot print
  • Minimum 12 months trading period with 1 years accounts or SA302 and tax year overview.
    Applications will be considered as long as there is a minimum of 1 years verified accounts or an Accountants reference.
    Where the applicant is a Sole Trader or LLP/Partnership, 1 years SA302's and Tax Year Overviews will be acceptable.
    All self-employed income will be verified by accounts that must be certified by qualified accountant or where applicable, the SA302. Where the trading period is over 2 years, 2 years evidence of income will be required.

    48x weekly rate for self-employed contractors
    Day 1 contractors considered where at least a 1 year track record of employment within same line of work
    Umbrella contractors considered.

    Share of Dividends Yes
    Share of Directors remuneration Yes
    Share of directors car allowances Yes
    Share of directors pension contributions Yes
    Share of use of home as office Yes
    Share of private health insurance No
    Share of spouse's income (sole app) No
    Operating profit No
    Retained net profit No
  • Property Value


  • Advance (min)


  • Income

    No minimum income for Residential. 100% of basic + guaranteed allowances 100% of guaranteed overtime / 50% of non-guaranteed overtime income considered. Will use a pension pot or investment value...

  • Maximum Age

    No maximum age - however, if over 75 years the ability to fund past 65 needs to be evidenced.

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    CCJ's/Defaults considered. Unsettled CCJs/Defaults are allowed up the total of £100 and up to £500 at underwriter’s discretion. Do not consider arrangement to pay DMP - satisfied for at least 3 years, up to 80% LTV but subject to product availability

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type: customer_individual, customer_expatriate
  • Property Type: type_single
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75, max-age-76-80, max-age-81-85, max-age-above-85
  • Property Value:100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £500,000 up to 95% LTV
    £1,000,000 up to 90% LTV
    £3,000,000 up to 80% LTV

    £1,000,000 for FTB anything above is referred.

    80% LTV New Build houses accepted.
    Max Loan above £500k and up to £1m is 80% The property must be within the M25
    Debt consolidation up to 80%

  • 5 years
  • 40 years
  • No
  • Yes - they require a letter stating no repayment will be made and no interest in property. Saffron also offer a family support mortgage option - this can be up to 5% - please see product guide Grandparents, parents, siblings, children and grandchildren A maximum of 5% in the form of a builder gifted deposit or incentive scheme is allowed subject to applicants having a minimum deposit of 5% from their own resources.
  • Yes - Provided the valuation is confirmed by the valuer as being the true value and the correct level of Stamp Duty is being paid i.e on the full price Saffron also offer a family support mortgage option - this can be up to 5% - please see product guide Grandparents, parents, siblings, children and grandchildren A maximum of 5% in the form of a builder gifted deposit or incentive scheme is allowed subject to applicants having a minimum deposit of 5% from their own resources.
  • Consider applications from applicants who have remortgaged/purchased within the last 6 months.
  • Must have indefinite leave to remain, no visa applicants considered

    VISA's: -

    Accept applications from clients holding the following Visas who have resided in the UK for a minimum of two years:
    • Skilled Worker
    • Health & Care Worker
    • Global Talent
    • Spousal
    • Pre-settled Status

    Maximum of 90% LTV with a minimum income of £75,000 above 75% LTV.
    No minimum remaining term of current Visa.
  • Saffron's definition of new build properties is defined as a property built within the last 12 months (based on the date of the completion certificate), has not been previously occupied (for converted properties - since the conversion has been undertaken), being sold/marketed by a builder or developer with a valid new build warranty from a warrantor acceptable to the society.
    Saffron recognise two forms of new build properties for security purposes: max LTV:

    • New Build Houses, max LTV is product specific.

    • New Build Flats, only in East Anglia, South East and London. Max LTV is 75% on C&I repayment and 60% LTV on Interest only.

    No Shared Ownership new build properties are acceptable.

    Self Build: -
    Up to 80% LTV for land purchase, 80% of build costs and up to 80% of gross development value
    Outlying outline planning permission allowed – will not go to valuation until full planning permission granted
    Available to first time buyers

    Properties with up to 20 acres of land can be considered providing this is not used for commercial use. Saffron BS can however accept properties where the applicants are looking to purchase a hobby farm.

    List of warranty providers now being accepted:
    o NHBC
    o LABC
    o Premier Guarantee
    o ICW Limited
    o Buildzone
    o Castle 10/Checkmate
    o Buildassure
    o One Guarantee
    o Global Home Warranties
    o Q Assure
    o Protek
    o Advantage HCI
    o Ark Residential Insurance
    o *Zurich (*historical)
    o *BLP (*historical)

    Consider modern forms of construction, including 100% cladding, provided there is masonry up to damp proof level.
  • Can be considered at a max LTV of 70% and subject to underwriting and valuation.
  • Max LTV considered on new purchase up to 80% subject to product limits.

    Can consider second homes: -

    • Free Valuation Fees
    • Minimum age 21
    • For second homes
    • Affordability is solely based on personal income and no income from short term letting is used
    • Maximum 90 days per year of short term letting
    • No AST or contract for tenant
    • Not available to properties on holiday parks or subject to occupancy restrictions
    • Interest only or repayment
    • Interest only to 70% max LTV and subject to an acceptable repayment strategy
    • Minimum loan size £30,000
    • Maximum loan size £1,000,000
    • Loans over this are priced on a bespoke basis and have restricted LTV’s
  • Yes, Experian - Must have a credit score over 600 Unsecured credit - No more than two occurrences within the last 24 months.
  • No more than two occurrences within the last 24 months.
  • Valuation fees paid direct to lender and a processing fee of £95 at application to 3mc
  • 21 (or product specific)
  • Will lend in England and Wales.
  • 4 (unless lending into retirement, then it's 2)
  • Access to Saffron is through a selective panel of packagers, one of which is 3mc
  • Soft foot print
  • 2 years self-employed applicant has been trading for two years or more can qualify for Saffron's full range of products. This allows for more affordable residential rates for experienced self-employed applicants, and also opens the door to Saffron’s self-build and Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor (JBSP) products for the first time. For applicants with a minimum of 12 months trading or for those who require more flexible underwriting,

    Self-employed with 100% Ownership can be considered on net profit after tax plus salary - for any other scenario, affordability assessed on salary plus dividend.
    Partnerships assessed as share of net profit

    Average or latest what ever is the lesser. If reasonable increase year on year over the last 3 years can take latest subject to underwriters discretion.
    - 3 years income rising or downward trend – the system will now use the latest years figures
    - 3 years fluctuating income – the system will use a 3 year average.
    - 1 or 2 years income – the system will use the latest and must go on the self-employed product range

    Add-back of voluntary pension contributions can be considered when calculating affordability.

    Contractor Applicants

    Specific product range for applicants who are deemed a contractor. Our policy has previously been silent on CIS workers and contractors working through an umbrella company so we have updated our policy to provide clarity to all our brokers.

    CIS Workers

    - A minimum of three months’ CIS contracting experience and one year’s industry experience. The Society takes the applicant’s average income from the last three months into account.
    - May require 6 month’s payslips and bank statements
    - A contract of employment if they have one
    - Will assess via the contract terms or if no contract available we will us an average of the last 6 months payslips.

    Contractors working under an umbrella company

    - Must have 2 years min – CV Required as evidence
    - Require 3 month’s invoice/payslips and bank statements
    - Evidence of a contract of employment
    - For affordability will use our day rate x days worked x 48 but factor in the deductions taken by the umbrella company.

    Rental income usage for professional landlords - 50% of surplus income considered
  • Property Value


  • Advance (min)


  • Income

    No minimum income. Up to 75% LTV, even for debt consolidation and not DTI ratio, and we also lend up to 70% interest only. 100% of benefit income is taken...

  • Maximum Age

    75 years

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    DEFAULTS: F1: 0 in 36; Unsatisfied defaults within the last 36m are accepted where the cumulative value is below £250 and relates to mail order, comms and utility payments. All other defaults must be satisfied. F2: 0 in 24; Unsatisfied defaults within the last 24m are accepted where the cumulative...

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type: customer_individual, customer_ltd_spv, customer_ltd_expat
  • Property Type: type_single
  • Max Age: max-age-70-75
  • Property Value:75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • Max 90% LTV up to £500,000 (F1 Range only)
    Max 85% LTV up to £750,000
    Max 80% LTV up to £750,000
    Max 75% LTV up to £1,000,000
    Max 65% LTV up to £2,000,000

    Up to 85% LTV, part and part up to 80% LTV

  • 5 years
  • 40 years
  • 50 years remaining on the lease at the end of the mortgage term.
  • No, this also includes DSS tenants.
  • Yes, immediate family members
  • No
  • 6 months minimum ownership before remortgage considered
  • Yes - Min 3 years in the UK with permanent rights to remain or enter
  • New build Houses accepted, New Build flats, or newly converted flats less than 2 years after first sale are not accepted.
  • Case by case only -minimum 75% in private ownership in block
  • No
  • Yes
  • 0 in 36; ignored after 36 months on all product ranges.
  • Valuation fees paid direct to lender at the lender fee scale.
  • 18 years old
  • Will lend in England and Wales only
  • Maximum 2
  • Access to Foundation Home Loans is available via selected packagers only.
  • Hard foot print
  • 1 years trading required - range dependent.

    Latest 1 year’s accounts accepted; retained profits considered
    Wide range of income types accepted up to 100% including bonus, overtime and commission, investment, trust, net rental and retirement income.

    Consider retained profit

    Share of Dividends Yes
    Share of Directors remuneration Yes
    Share of directors car allowances No
    Share of directors pension contributions No
    Share of use of home as office No
    Share of private health insurance No
    Share of spouse's income (sole app) No
    Operating profit No
    Retained net profit No

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