Hampshire Trust Bank

Mortgage Type

Bridging Lenders

Property Value (min)

The minimum loan has to be £100,000 net, this can be across multiple properties.

1st Charge - 2nd charge allowed as supplemental.

Advance (min)


Advance (max)

£10mill for non-development exits.

£25mill for development exits

Term (Max)

18 months

Minimum Age

21 years

Maximum Age

No maximum

Family Cash Gift Deposit

Yes, considered

Family Gift of Equity Deposit

Yes, considered

Income (min)

No minimum income required, but exit must be feasible.


Extent of works: Max cost of works is £500k or 50% of current property value (the lower of the 2).

Refurbishment – Suitable uses
Light - projects require no planning permission or building sign off and only include superficial refurbishment work (such as a new kitchen and redecoration)

Medium – projects require planning permission or building sign off but are common and easily performed projects such as: replacing a structural beam; putting in bi-fold doors; putting locks on bedroom doors and changing planning use from C3 (dwelling) to C4 (large HMO); a loft conversion; adding a small single-story extension etc. Appointment of PMS or internal QS monitoring to be considered.

Heavy (capped at 65% LTV) - projects are more substantial in terms of work and fall outside of medium refurb guidelines and are subject to additional controls including appointment of a PMS to monitor the project. Site clearance / new build projects are excluded and would be referred to the Development Finance Team.

Refurbishment – Unsuitable uses
Site clearance / new build projects are excluded and would be referred to the Development Finance Team.
Double storey extensions
Airspace extensions
Barn conversions whether with planning or under class Q permitted development

Short Term Lending
Secured against residential security where there is no element of refurbishment or construction.

Developers Exit
Secured against recently completed and compliant residential security where the construction phase has completed – pending a sale.

Let to Buy (Turning Residential into Buy to Let)


Ex-Local Authority Properties

Yes, considered

Minimum Ownership

None required.

Permanent rights to reside and remain

Not required



New Builds


Credit Score

Yes – however only accounts for a small part of the overall decision

Historic CCJ’s & Defaults

Considered on a case by case basis. Where the events are ‘blips’ with a viable explanation. True adverse credit not considered.

Valuation Fees

Paid direct to the valuer panel following instruction by the us.

Maximum number of applicants



England and Wales only.


Direct via a packager such as 3mc.